No African household without a radio …
Monday 13 October 2014 was a very special day. On this day, radio station Hope in West Africa transmitted its first programs.
“After five years of talking, planning, budget hunting and prayer, it was a great joy to see this long-awaited dream come true,” said a founder and co-founder of Radio Hope. EO Metterdaad Nederland has also provided financial support.
“We thank God for the strength of wireless to broadcast the truth about faith and life. We are grateful for the many people who made it possible to set up this station”. The local churches also expressed how important this station was to them by being closely involved in planning, funding and implementation.
Radio Hope will have an impact on the more northerly regions of West Africa. Since the war in 2012, this region has been going through turbulent times. Many Christians had to leave their homes – many are now back and trying to rebuild their lives.

Besides bringing Good News, radio (Hope) also serves as a channel for agriculture, health, education and local activities. In particular, people who cannot read or write thrive through radio education.
A major challenge for local radio stations in West Africa is the high cost of energy. Ample solar energy will change this: solar energy gives radio waves a Powerful voice. CAMA has about 13 radio stations that will gradually be provided with sufficient power and new equipment in the coming years.
“An M-man did not get along well with his wife and her family. One day he listened to the Christian radio in West Africa and got caught up in a French programme called ‘Focus on the family’. That day the teaching was about the biblical view on marriage and family.
After the transmission, he called the programme maker to thank him for the important work being done and for highlighting his problem. The listener said that from now on he would follow this station closely, because the whole truth was being told and the programme makers were caring about their listeners”. (radio partner)