ANCO grew up on a farm and inherited a passion for technology. His farming background also comes in handy when advising Africans to creatively provide for their own food. So that families in the hot and lean summer months still can make sure that there is food on the table.
A good example of this is the field of the Tangara family. Joel studied at the Agricultural College. In the summer of 2013 he did an internship in the Netherlands, at Gebr. Van Bergeijk – Akkerbouw & Loonbedrijf. His passion is organic farming. At the moment their field has a wealth of animals and plants, such as goats, cows, sheep, peanuts and bananas. With Hope for more …
Change of heart after a year at Beersheba
In 2019, brother Moussa successfully completed a year of training at the Christian agricultural school Beersheba. In these months he experienced a clear deepening of his relationship with God. Furthermore, his eyes were opened for the role he is entitled to play as a Christian within the care of God’s creation. In West African countries waste literally ends up on the street and in the gutter, which means this is a real challenge.

“Immediately after returning from Beersheba, I started raising pigs in the way we were taught at Beersheba. I have also implemented ‘Farming Gods way’ in our garden, such as covering the soil around the banana, papaya and gombo plants with straw, for protection from the sun. It is not easy to find suitable material, but at Beersheba I saw how important this method is to keep the soil fertile. Also, sometimes I still lack the finances to work out my dreams, but everything in His time.
In the near future, I also hope to grow root crops (similar to asparagus). My heart also really lies in training and witnessing to people. My idea in the future is to work with Sunday School kids and go to different (surrounding) villages. We can then have movie nights and talk about the love God has for each of us.”